Thursday Three

I thought it was about time I re-introduced this one, as I always had so much fun finding 3 things to feature.

1. People I’d like to punch in the Face – I’m not entirely sure how I found Jen’s blog, but once I did I was hooked. I went back to the beginning and read my way through her entire archive. She has a great sense of humor, a lot of snark and she doesn’t take herself too seriously (my pet hate is people who snark on everyone else but can’t handle any snark back). One of my favorite recent posts is , do check it and the rest of this blog out.

2. Bunheads – Did you LOVE Gilmore Girls? Then you need to check out this new show from Gilmore Girls creator Amy Sherman-Palladino. Don’t let the first episode fool you it only gets better. The quick quips, small town drama and the amazing Kelly Bishop, all work together to draw you in. And if that isn’t enough there is the “Spot the Gilmore Girls alumni” drinking game, fun for everyone. Unfortunately I can’t find any news on who (if any) has bought the UK rights, but in the US the series was back from it’s mid season hiatus yesterday, one of the highlights of my week.
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

3. Norwegian waffles – I LOVE waffles, they were always my favorite treat as a kind. Warm, freshly made, with a bit of butter, jam, sour cream and/or cheese, they were just divine! And since I have an amazing husband I started the new year as a waffle maker owner ( best Xmas gift EVER), now I can have a little taste of the old country when ever I want!
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Do you have anything you’d like to share?

Thursday Three

1. Royal Wedding – I’m sorry people but I am genuinely looking forward to it. I love the royals, and I love any excuse to ooh and ahh over all the beautiful gowns, romantic vows etc. I had decided I wasn’t going to stitch anything to commemorate the occasion, but The Sampler Girl’s Royal Wedding Souvenir has been screaming out to me lately so I think it might be stitched after all.

photo from The Sampler Girl

2. Getting organized – we’re moving next week and I always view a move as a chance to start over, de-clutter and getting myself (and hubby) sorted. A great tool in getting organized is Martha Stewart’s Organizing Tip of the Day newsletter. Arrives in my inbox everyday, and contains great advice. It’s not always relevant, but easily adaptable. Today’s tip show how to make your own corkboard 🙂


3. New house – we were approved for our new house on Tuesday and next week we move in. I can’t wait, even though moving is stressful it’s be great to get our stuff in there. Here is a picture of our new living room


Thursday Three

1. Craig Tracy and the South China Tiger Project – there are only 100 South China Tigers left in the world, and the majority of these living in captivity. Save China’s Tigers is a charity committed to keeping this species of tiger from extinction, and New Orleans body painting artist Craig Tracy recently created an amazing work of art to create awareness for the cause. Visit the charity’s website to find out how you can help, and visit Craig Tracy’s website to see more incredible works of art. Can you see what the tiger has been painted on?


2. Oath of Fealty and Kings of the North by Elizabeth Moon – one of my very favorite fantasy books are The Deed of Paksenarrion books. Recently I discovered that Elizabeth Moon has written two sequels to the series, and I was truly overjoyed. Considering the first 3 were written 20 years ago I’m sure you can understand why I never even expected more books. I’ll be ordering the first one very shortly and I can’t wait to read it. If like me you are a fan of this series buy the new book, or if you are more on the ball than I am and you’ve read them already, head on over to the Paksworld Blog where Elizabeth has posted lots of back story, reference etc and is really good about posting new things and answering fans questions (as much as she can of course). Finding out about these two books (and the third in the making) has quite possibly made my year.


3. Accessorize Necklaces – as usual Accessorize is great for some inexpensive bling. I’ve got an occasion coming up and I think I’ve found the perfect necklace to wear – the Ring Collection Long Pendant Necklace. It’s doubly great as I don’t like wearing rings on my fingers (don’t even wear my wedding ring most days), but they look excellent on a chain don’t they. Of course if you are one of those people who love waring rings and you have a jewelery box full of them, you could make your own necklace, all you need is a long chain to put them on 🙂


Thursday Three

Another Thursday, another Thursday Three. This week it’s pictures galore!

1. Parenthood – The second episode of this American TV show is on tonight at 10pm on 5* (formerly Fiver). I’m actually a few episodes into season two, but thoroughly enjoying watching the the beginning again. The show has a great ensemble cast, in particular it’s great to see Lauren Graham working again. She made Gilmore Girls into the great show that it was and she is doing a brilliant job with this show too. I’d say of you like Gilmore Girls and you like Brothers and Sisters, you’ll love Parenthood, which is a bit of both.

2. Brands at DP – I love the new brands at Dorothy Perkins (well they are new to me). A month or so ago I got a beautiful blouse there and now I bought this gorgeous dress. Hmm, having trouble putting up the picture, should have it up by noon Friday. In the mean time, it’s part of the Purple range, and it’s a green 50’s summer dress. Don’t you just love the 50’s inspired dresses in the shops right now? Perfect if your hips and bust are more than a bit generous.

3. Fjord Ponies by Ink Circles – This is my must-have chart of 2011. I haven’t really stitched anything Norwegian/Scandinavian since I took up cross stitching, mostly because there aren’t a lot of designs out there. This one is amazing though, never mind it’s by an American designer. I’m thinking it’ll be a lovely birthday gift to myself 🙂

Thursday Three

This is a new addition to the blog, which I’ve seen featured on several other blogs. I thought it would be fun to do my own take on it.
Every Thursday I’ll feature three things, sometimes they’ll be related, but mostly it’ll just be three things on my mind at the moment.

1. Sims Medieval – the new game is out. From what I’ve read it seems like a watered down Heroes of Might and Magic (low on the Might and Magic). I’m sure it’ll be fun enough to play, especially for people who want more structure to their Sim playing, this one has goals. But I don’t think I’ll be getting it just yet, maybe second hand in a few months time?

2. Lush Japanese Aid Soap – the wonderful Lush has released a limited edition soap where all the money made will go to Peace Boat, a charity which organizes teams of volunteers, transporting aid goods and cooking hot meals in the disaster zone. Let’s hope today’s earthquake does not make the situation any worse and that those who need help receive it without delay.


3. Spring Giveaway over at Rhode Island Stitchers – Surely crafters must be the most generous of bloggers. I love entering all these giveaways, and I plan another one for my blog in the beginning of May, a Blogoversary Giveaway.

March in Hindsight and April Predicted

Wow another totally useless month. Cross stitch goals went well, but everything else, not so much. I have no excuse, just plain lazy and feckless these days.
So let’s look at the March goals and see how I got on.

Every Month:

1. Post on my blog at least once a week Only just managed this, and most of them are very rubbish posts.
2. Post picture of my TUSAL jar on each new moon
3. Stitch a biscornu for my Basket of Biscornus My favorite one to date, the shamrock biscornu
4. Stitch a Christmas ornament
5. Plot 3 new stories/plotlines Actually plotted about 6, all linked. More on that at a later stage
6. Write 10,000 new words (either on existing novels or new stories) Made a start on the above plots and wrote about 14k on two different plots. This new idea is really bringing back my love of writing!
7. Read 4 books a month, and write reviews for them Have to review 16 for April – not yet giving up hope that I’ll get this sorted out

March Only:

1. Finish wall hanging for mum The cross stitched part at least
2. 2 x Mother’s day cards Used two freebie kits as well
3. Finish one more project started during Crazy January Challenge This was of course the Blackwork Lady
4. Restart C25K challenge as it was completely ignored for Feb It remained ignored for March as well
5. Complete Scissor fob for exchange Completed, sent and received, a perfect exchange in every way.
6. 2 x ATC’s for exchange Stitched one of my favorite ATCs so far
7. Post an excerpt every week from one of my WIPs (can be new, old or discarded) Yeah that one didn’t go to well did it, will keep it in as a goal for April
8. Stitch Giveaway for PayitForward Giveaway Started but not finished

Ok, I guess it doesn’t look too bad, as usual the fitness and the book reviewing is being ignored, but at least all the things with deadlines got done and I did get a fair bit of stitching done.
April’s Goals won’t look too different from March, just a few changes to the stitching goals. Have a look here.

Every Month:

1. Post on my blog at least once a week
2. Post picture of my TUSAL jar on each new moon
3. Stitch a biscornu for my Basket of Biscornus
4. Stitch a Christmas ornament
5. Plot 3 new stories/plotlines
6. Write 10,000 new words (either on existing novels or new stories)
7. Read 4 books a month, and write reviews for them (Have to review 16 for April – not yet giving up hope that I’ll get this sorted out)

April Only:

1. Post an update of all current WiPs with pictures
2. 5 x cards for various occasions
3. Start a Thursday Three from the first Thursday in April
4. Restart C25K challenge as it was completely ignored for Feb and March
5. Complete Bookmark for exchange
6. 2 x ATC’s for exchange
7. Post an excerpt every week from one of my WIPs (can be new, old or discarded)
8. Stitch Giveaway for PayitForward Giveaway
9. Stitch LoveQuiltsUK square
10. Stitch minimum of two cards for charity.

A good chunk of stitching to do there, but then again i don’t have the added pressure of finishing more CJC projects. Family birthdays etc are just around the corner so there will be a lot of cards from now on, but I quite enjoy the smaller stitchings (stitchlets 🙂 )

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